Christ Church Tettenhall Wood and The Church of the Good Shepherd Castlecroft

APCM 2022

Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2023

Sunday 30th April 2023
during 10.00 am service at Good Shepherd

The agenda and papers for the meeting are available by clicking on the sections below in blue bold underlined.
You can read them on line or download them to your own computer/device.
Other reports will be added as they become available.

You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader program in order to read the documents.
You probably already have this, but if not, you can download this for free from

If you download the papers to a portable devoice (such as a tablet) you can bring them to the meeing with you.
We encourage you not to print them off, for environmental reasons.

Agenda and Service Outline


  • Apologies for absence – please submit in advance to the parish office
  • The vestry meeting – Election of Churchwardens

Opening Worship

  • Call to Worship
  • HYMN: See what a morning
  • Confession
  • Gloria
  • Collect

Looking back over the past year

Listening to God’s word

Looking forward

  • Election of Church Officers
  • Appointment of Independent Examiner

Liturgy of the Sacrament


  • AOB as notified in advance
  • Date and venue of APCM for 2024

Going out

  • HYMN: Thy hand, O God, has guided
  • Dismissal

Other Reports, for information

  • Christ Church Fabric and Finance
  • Mothers Union
  • Christ Church Fellowship
  • Recycling