Christ Church Tettenhall Wood and The Church of the Good Shepherd Castlecroft

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Christ Church Tettenhall Wood

Flower Festival

Friday 28 to Sunday 30 September, 2012

After weeks of planning, and thanks to the dedication of a skilled and artistic team of flower arrangers, our Flower Festival was a truly wonderful event.

On the Thursday, the church was invaded by hordes of very talented people (and their ‘assistants’!)  and over the course of the day, and helped by the consumption of copious amounts of tea, the church  underwent an amazing transition.

A Requiem Service started off the Festival on the Friday morning, after which there came a steady stream of visitors, all of whom seemed full of admiration for the sights (and scents) that beheld them as they wandered around.

On the Saturday evening, the church reverberated to the sounds of the inspirational Birmingham Community Gospel Choir, and the soloist Chloe-Jean Bishop.

And Sunday morning saw the church full again as we welcomed “Back to Church” new and old as we gave thanks to our gracious God for all our many blessings.

A very big THANKYOU to all involved in any way with this event, especially the sponsors, and for those who weren`t able to visit in person,  enjoy the slideshow of some of the beautiful displays.

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Don`t miss our Flower Festival this September. The church will be open every day so you can stop by, admire the displays, and enjoy some light refreshments in our new Jubilee Rooms. For further information about opening times and services during the festival, please click here.

We’re very excited to be hosting a concert by the Birmingham Community Gospel Choir on Saturday 29th at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £8 each – to book tickets please ring either Phil (07736 197 226) or Clive (01902 759 752). We look forward to seeing you there!

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