Christ Church Tettenhall Wood and The Church of the Good Shepherd Castlecroft

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For the past 18 years, Christ Church has supported the Children`s Society by holding a Christingle Service.

On Sunday 4th December, a cold, wet and windy evening, there was a wonderful turn-out of almost 300 people – members of our regular congregation together with the children and parents of  the schools linked to the church.

Thank-you to all who came along to support the Children`s Society. The final sum collected will be announced in the Church Notices in a few week`s time.

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A great day, getting everybody into the Christmas mood!  The choir from Christ Church  Junior  school opened the proceedings with a selection of songs. There were bargains galore, yummy cakes , tombola , raffle, face-painting, bacon and sausage baps, mulled wine, crafts, Fair Traid and lots more. And of course Father Christmas found time to pay a visit.

Thanks to all who supported this event. The proceeds were around £2,800 which have been added to the Building Fund.



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To view this week`s notices , click here

The weekly notices can be downloaded by clicking the following link:

Weekly notices